Finance management software

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  • Author
    • #203
      Katie Chambers

      If you have experience with any of the software mentioned, discuss your experience here. If you have experience with a different software for managing your finances, tell us about the pros and cons.

    • #1043

      Hello! I am a Canadian editor and have just been in the process of setting up QuickBooks as my financial management and tax software. I really like it because you can do SO much with it. I just sent off my first invoice using QuickBooks and love that everything is really streamlined. I’m curious… is QuickBooks not something used by Americans?

      • #1052
        Katie Chambers

        I have heard of QuickBooks, and I am positive Americans use it. It is a very popular tool, and I am not sure why I forgot about it when making this course. I will add it to the list.


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